Now showing items 2721-2740 of 10432

    • The Use of the Bolk Model for Positive Health and Living Environment in the Development of an Integrated Health Promotion Approach: A Case Study in a Socioeconomically Deprived Neighborhood in The Netherlands 

      van Wietmarschen, Herman; Staps, Sjef; Meijer, Judith; Flinterman, Francisca; Jong, Miek (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-21)
      Background. Despite considerable efforts, health disparities between people with high and low socioeconomic status (SES) have not changed over the past decades in The Netherlands. To create a culture of health and an environment in which all people can flourish, a shift in focus is needed from disease management towards health promotion. The Bolk model for Positive Health and Living Environment ...
    • Rural general practice staff experiences of patient safety incidents and low quality of care in Norway: an interview study 

      Harbitz, Martin Bruusgaard; Stensland, Per Steinar; Gaski, Margrete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-28)
      Background and objectives: General practitioners (GPs), nurses and medical secretaries (practice staff) are responsible for the continuous provision of safe care in rural general practice. Little is known about their role in situations where patients were or could have been harmed in a rural setting. Therefore, we sought to investigate rural general practice staff experiences of patient safety ...
    • Drug loading to mesoporous silica carriers by solvent evaporation: A comparative study of amorphization capacity and release kinetics 

      Soltys, Marek; Zuza, David; Boleslavska, Tereza; Akhlasova, Sarah Machac; Balouch, Martin; Kovacik, Pavel; Beranek, Josef; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa; Flaten, Gøril Eide; Stefanec, Frantisek (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-08)
      The sorption of poorly aqueous soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) to mesoporous silica carriers is an increasingly common formulation strategy for dissolution rate enhancement for this challenging group of substances. However, the success of this approach for a particular API depends on an array of factors including the properties of the porous carrier, the loading method, or the attempted ...
    • Prothrombotic genotypes and risk of venous thromboembolism in occult cancer 

      Skille, Hanne; Paulsen, Benedikte; Hveem, Kristian; Severinsen, Marianne T.; Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad; Kristensen, Søren R.; Næss, Inger Anne; Hindberg, Kristian; Tjønneland, Anne; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Hansen, John-Bjarne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-01)
      Background - Studies have reported that the combination of some prothrombotic genotypes and overt cancer yields a synergistic effect on VTE risk. Whether individual prothrombotic genotypes or number of risk alleles in a genetic risk score (GRS) affect VTE risk in occult cancer have not been addressed. The aim of this study was to investigate the joint effect of five prothrombotic genotypes and occult ...
    • Peripheral chemoreflex activation and cardiac function during hypoxemia in near-term fetal sheep without placental compromise 

      Lantto, Juulia; Erkinaro, Tiina; Haapsamo, Mervi; Huhta, Heikki; Alanne, Leena; Kokki, Merja; Ohtonen, Pasi; Bhide, Amarnath; Acharya, Ganesh; Rasanen, Juha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-09)
      A drop in arterial oxygen content activates fetal chemoreflex including an increase in sympathetic activity leading to peripheral vasoconstriction and redistribution of blood flow to protect the brain, myocardium, and adrenal glands. By using a chronically instrumented fetal sheep model with intact placental circulation at near-term gestation, we investigated the relationship between peripheral ...
    • Prevalence and predictive factors of complementary medicine use during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 in the Netherlands 

      Mulder, Louise T; Busch, Martine; Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Nordberg, Johanna H.; Esther T., van der Werf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-15)
      Introduction: Major life changing events such as the COVID-19 pandemic may have major impact on one’s health and general well-being. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and predictive factors, including gender specifc diferences, of Complementary Medicine (CM) use (including CM consultations, self-care management and self-help techniques) during the frst wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in ...
    • What on-line searches tell us about public interest and potential impact on behaviour in response to minimum unit pricing of alcohol in Scotland 

      Leon, David Adrew; Yom-Tov, Elad; Johnson, Anne M.; Petticrew, Mark; Williamson, Elizabeth; Lampos, Vasileios; Cox, Ingemar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-04)
      Aims - To investigate whether the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP) in Scotland on 1 May 2018 was reflected in changes in the likelihood of alcohol-related queries submitted to an internet search engine, and in particular whether there was any evidence of increased interest in purchasing of alcohol from outside Scotland.<p> <p>Design - Observational study in which individual queries to ...
    • Suppliers of Existing Systems in Municipal Healthcare Facing the Arrival of Large-Scale EHR Suites 

      Ellingsen, Gunnar; Christensen, Bente; Hertzum, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09)
      With backing from national health authorities, large-scale electronic health record (EHR) suites have increasingly entered the European healthcare market. The overall goal for these systems is to fulfill the needs of healthcare workers in hospitals, nursing homes, home-care service, and general practitioner (GP) clinics. The EHR suites will replace existing EHRs in their targeted area. However, ...
    • Helsesykepleieres erfaringer med forebygging av brannskader hos småbarn 

      Bergvoll, Lise-Marie; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Sollesnes, Ragnhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-07)
      Bakgrunn: Brannskader hos barn er et globalt folkehelseproblem. Spesielt utsatt er barn 0-4 år. Helsesøstres erfaringer med å forebygge brannskader fra et kommunebasert brannskadeforebyggende program vil bidra til en dypere forståelse av forebygging av brannskader. <p> <p>Hensikt: Å utforske og beskrive helsesøstres erfaringer med forebygging av brannskader hos småbarn. Metode: Studien har en ...
    • Self-medication Behavior with antibiotics: a national cross-sectional survey in Sri Lanka 

      Zawahir, Shukry; Lekamwasam, Sarath; Halvorsen, Kjell H.; Rose, Grenville; Aslani, Parisa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-14)
      <b><p>Background</b> Antibiotic self-medication is common in low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to evaluate the Sri Lankan public’s knowledge about and attitudes toward antibiotic use and self-medication, and factors associated with self-medication. <b><p>Methods</b> A national cross-sectional, interviewer-administered, survey of a random household sample (N = 1100) was ...
    • ‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants in a population study 

      Norddal, Guri A.; Wifstad, Åge; Lian, Olaug S (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-31)
      In western industrialised societies, asymptomatic individuals are increasingly labelled as at-risk of future illness and targeted for public health interventions. These at-risk people are identified through health checks, population studies and national screening programs. The main purpose of communicating such risk to individuals is to motivate them to make lifestyle changes. Many of these risk-labels ...
    • Prediagnostic alterations in circulating bile acid profiles in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma 

      Stepien, Magdalena; Lopez-Nogueroles, Marina; Lahoz, Agustın; Kühn, Tilman; Perlemuter, Gabriel; Voican, Cosmin; Ciocan, Dragos; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Jansen, Eugéne H.J.M.; Viallon, Vivian; Leitzmann, Michael; Tjønneland, Anne; Severi, Gianluca; Mancini, Francesca Romana; Dong, Catherine; Kaaks, Rudolf; Fortner, Renée T.; Bergmann, Manuela M.; Boeing, Heiner; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Karakatsani, Anna; Peppa, Eleni; Palli, Domenico; Krogh, Vittorio; Tumino, Rosario; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Panico, Salvatore; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. Bas; Skeie, Guri; Merino, Susana; Zamora-Ros, Raúl; Sánchez, Maria Jose; Amiano, Pilar; Huerta, José María; Barricarte, Aurelio; Sjöberg, Klas; Ohlsson, Bodil; Nyström, Hanna; Werner, Mårten; Perez-Cornago, Aurora; Schmidt, Julie A.; Freisling, Heinz; Scalbert, Augustin; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Christakoudi, Sofia; Gunter, Marc; Jenab, Mazda (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-29)
      Bile acids (BAs) play different roles in cancer development. Some are carcinogenic and BA signaling is also involved in various metabolic, inflammatory and immune-related processes. The liver is the primary site of BA synthesis. Liver dysfunction and microbiome compositional changes, such as during hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development, may modulate BA metabolism increasing concentration of ...
    • Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy 

      Lamark, Trond; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-21)
      Selective autophagy is the lysosomal degradation of specific intracellular components sequestered into autophagosomes, late endosomes, or lysosomes through the activity of selective autophagy receptors (SARs). SARs interact with autophagy-related (ATG)8 family proteins via sequence motifs called LC3-interacting region (LIR) motifs in vertebrates and Atg8-interacting motifs (AIMs) in yeast and plants. ...
    • SAMM50 is a receptor for basal piecemeal mitophagy and acts with SQSTM1/p62 in OXPHOS-induced mitophagy 

      Abudu, Yakubu Princely; Mouilleron, Stephane; Tooze, Sharon A; Lamark, Trond; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-18)
      Mitophagy, the clearance of surplus or damaged mitochondria or mitochondrial parts by autophagy, is important for maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Whereas knowledge on programmed and stress-induced mitophagy is increasing, much less is known about mechanisms of basal mitophagy. Recently, we identified SAMM50 (SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component) as a receptor for piecemeal degradation ...
    • Evaluation of a Web-Based Dietary Assessment Tool (myfood24) in Norwegian Women and Men Aged 60-74 Years: Usability Study 

      Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Medin, Anine Christine; Skeie, Guri; Henriksen, André; Lundblad, Marie Wasmuth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-11)
      Background: A healthy diet throughout the life course improves health and reduces the risk of disease. There is a need for new knowledge of the relation between diet and health, but existing methods to collect information on food and nutrient intake have their limitations. Evaluations of new tools to assess dietary intake are needed, especially in old people, where the introduction of new technology ...
    • Religion and Health In Arctic Norway—The association of religious and spiritual factors with non-suicidal self-injury in the Sami and non-Sami adult population—The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey 

      Kiærbech, Henrik; Silviken, Anne; Lorem, Geir F; Kristiansen, Roald E; Spein, Anna Rita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-05)
      Research has found psychological dimensions of religiosity/spirituality (R/S) beneficial against non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), whereas the effect of R/S social aspects is less studied. Using data from the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey (2012, n = 10,717 ages 18–69; response rate: 27%; non-Sami: 66%; females: 55%), we examined the association of R/S—religious attendance, congregational affiliation, ...
    • Exposure to Bioaerosols during Fish Processing on Board Norwegian Fishing Trawlers 

      Heidelberg, Cecilie Thon; Bang, Berit; Thomassen, Marte Renate; Kamath, Sandip D.; Ruethers, Thimo; Lopata, Andreas L.; Madsen, Anne Mette; Sandsund, Mariann; Aasmoe, lisbeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-10)
      Objectives - The main objective was to gain more knowledge on exposure to bioaerosols in the processing area on board fishing trawlers.<p> <p>Methods - Exposure sampling was carried out during the work shifts when processing fish in the processing area on board five deep-sea fishing trawlers (trawlers 1–5). Exposure samples were collected from 64 fishermen breathing zone and from stationary ...
    • Inntak av meieriprodukter og insidens av diabetes type 2 – en oversiktsartikkel 

      Sandnes, Frida Huhta; Hansson, Patrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06)
      <p><i>Bakgrunn:</i> Det ses en økende forekomst av diabetes type 2 (T2D) i verden, og kostholdet er en av de viktigste modifiserbare risikofaktorene. Meieriprodukter er en stor kilde til mettede fettsyrer, som er en mulig risikofaktor for T2D. På den andre siden er det sett at flere enkeltnæringsstoffer i meieriprodukter kan virke forebyggende mot T2D. Denne oversiktsartikkelen oppsummerer litteratur ...
    • Multiple perspectives and dialogue in understanding experiences of living with eating disorders: Two narratives—four unpackings 

      Brinchmann, Berit Støre; Lyngmo, Siri; Herholdt-Lomholdt, Sine Maria; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-15)
      Background: This is a response to Conti et al.’s article, “Listening in the dark: why we need stories of people living with severe and enduring anorexia nervosa” (published in JED, 2016), and its call for relational metaphors and a rela tional approach to supplement the traditional medical/psychological diagnostic language used to describe the life experiences and complex emotions of people ...
    • Xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 regulates procoagulant platelet polyphosphate 

      Mailer, Reiner K.; Allende, Mikel; Heestermans, Marco; Schweizer, Michaela; Deppermann, Carsten; Frye, Maike; Pula, Giordano; Odeberg, Jacob Olof; Gelderblom, Mathias; Rose-John, Stefan; Sickmann, Albert; Blankenberg, Stefan; Huber, Tobias B.; Kubisch, Christian; Maas, Coen; Gambaryan, Stepan; Firsov, Dmitri; Stavrou, Evi X.; Butler, Lynn; Renné, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-15)
      Polyphosphate is a procoagulant inorganic polymer of linear-linked orthophosphate residues. Multiple investigations have established the importance of platelet polyphosphate in blood coagulation; however, the mechanistic details of polyphosphate homeostasis in mammalian species remain largely undefined. In this study, xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 (XPR1) regulated polyphosphate in ...