Viser treff 901-920 av 1362

    • Playing Cultural Memory: Framing History in 'Call of Duty: Black Ops' and 'Czechoslovakia 38-89: Assassination' 

      Pötzsch, Holger; Sisler, Vit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-21)
      The present article brings game studies into dialogue with cultural memory studies and argues for the significance of computer games for historical discourse and memory politics. Drawing upon the works of Robert Rosenstone and Astrid Erll, we develop concepts and theories from film studies and adapt them to respond to the media specificity of computer games. Through a critical reading of the first ...
    • Degrammaticalization in North Saami: Development of adpositions, adverbs and a free lexical noun from inflectional and derivational suffixes 

      Ylikoski, Jussi (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-01)
      This article discusses degrammaticalization in North Saami. Globally, one of the best known examples of degrammaticalization is the development of the North Saami adposition and adverb haga ‘without’ from an earlier abessive case suffix. This article builds on earlier studies by examining haga in greater detail and by relating the development of haga to its cognates dagi and dagá in Lule Saami. The ...
    • Minnet om ein soldat 

      Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-04-03)
      I denne artikkelen vil eg med utgangspunkt i ei feministisk filmanalyse av The Dawns Here Are Quiet… (Rostotskij 1972) og Leningrad (Buravskij 2009) drøfte den kvinnelege soldatrolla i sovjetisk og post-sovjetisk film. Etter ein kort introduksjon av filmane fylgjer ei drøfting om minnekulturen desse er ein del av. Resten av artikkelen vil krinse kring utvalde sentrale tema frå filmane om moralsk ...
    • From compound nouns to case marking: Prolatives in South Saami and Lule Saami 

      Ylikoski, Jussi (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2015)
      This article discusses the morphology, syntax and semantics of the previously underdescribed denominal formations in -raejkiem and -raejkien in present-day written South Saami, and their etymological and functional counterpart -rájge in Lule Saami. As the topic has been mostly described in occasional dictionary entries but largely ignored in grammatical descriptions, the present article provides ...
    • On the structure and variation of ‘hace’ as a temporal expression 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The goal of this article is to analyse a case of variation in Spanish. In most varieties, constructions of the form Hace dos días que (“it has been two days since”) reject nominal expressions like todo el día (“all the day”), hence *Hace todo el día que (lit. “it has been all the day that”). However, a particular variety of Argentinean Spanish allows it. This article proposes that in the non-Argentinean ...
    • Ignora la copia: sobre el sincretismo parcial entre 'ser' e 'ir' 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-01)
      This article proposes a structural explanation of the fact that in the perfective form, the verb ser is identical to ir. It is argued that internally ir is built over the verb ser, and the element that distinguishes them semantically displaces to a high position, in such a way that the lower copy left behind it is ignored for the purposes of morphophonological materialisation. ...
    • Information structure and its syntactic manifestation in Spanish: facts and proposals 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This article presents the main facts about how information structure is syntactically codified in Spanish, with particular attention to the syntax of topics and foci. These facts will be used to assess whether cartographic and minimalist approaches can, in their pure version, account precisely for this set of facts in a predictive way. We discuss the taxonomy of topics and foci, the evidence for ...
    • A note on how and why 'state + aorist = achievement' 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-06)
      In syntactic and semantic studies, there is a debate about the proper definition of ‘achievement’. While some authors consider them pure punctual boundaries without any extension, others treat them as short accomplishments, and propose that they have a process component that happens to be instantaneous. The goal of this article is to discuss an empirical pattern whereby some stative ...
    • Older age of onset in child L2 acquisition can be facilitative: evidence from the acquisition of English passives by Spanish natives. 

      Rothman, Jason; Long, Drew; Iverson, Michael; Judy, Tiffany; Lingwall, Anne; Chakravarty, Tushar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-02-26)
      We report a longitudinal comprehension study of (long) passive constructions in two native-Spanish child groups differing by age of initial exposure to L2 English (young group: 3;0–4;0; older group: 6;0–7;0), where amount of input, L2 exposure environment, and socioeconomic status are controlled. Data from a forced-choice task show that both groups comprehend active sentences, not passives, initially ...
    • Eventive and Stative Passives and Copula Selection in Canadian and American Heritage Speaker Spanish. 

      Valenzuela, Elena; Iverson, Michael; Rothman, Jason; Borg, Kristina; Pascual y Cabo, Diego; Pinto, Manuela (Chapter; Bokkapittel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Spanish captures the difference between eventive and stative passives via an obligatory choice between two copula; verbal passives take the copula ser and adjectival passives take the copula estar. In this study, we compare and contrast US and Canadian heritage speakers of Spanish on their knowledge of this difference in relation to copula choice in Spanish. The backgrounds of the target groups ...
    • The Acquisition of Clitics in L2 Spanish: Examining Restrictions on Clitic Solidarity. 

      Halloran, Becky; Rothman, Jason (Chapter; Bokkapittel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This study examines the mental representation of clitic object pronouns in English L2 Spanish speakers of beginning, intermediate and advanced proficiencies. We present the results of a scalar grammaticality judgment task, which examines knowledge of clitic placement in both Exceptional Case Marking (ECM) verb constructions and non-ECM (finite and modal + infinitival) constructions. Our findings ...
    • What does current generative theory have to say about the explicit-implicit debate? 

      VanPatten, Bill; Rothman, Jason (Chapter; Bokkapittel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Terminology Matters! Why Difference Is Not Incompleteness and How Early Child Bilinguals Are Heritage Speakers. 

      Kupisch, Tanja; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper integrates research on child simultaneous bilingual (2L1) acquisition more directly into the heritage language (HL) acquisition literature. The 2L1 literature mostly focuses on development in childhood, whereas heritage speakers (HSs) are often tested at an endstate in adulthood. However, insights from child 2L1 acquisition must be considered in HL acquisition theorizing precisely ...
    • Hovuddrag i utviklinga av norsk ordlaging 

      Conzett, Philipp (Chapter; Bokkapittel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Ordlaging fører til endringar i ordtilfanget, men det er forska lite på korleis sjølve ordlagingssystemet endrar seg (jf. Munske 2002: 23). Denne forsøminga er til dels ein konsekvens av dreiinga som skjedde innanfor språkvitskapen i førre hundreåret mot meir strukturalistisk-synkrone tilnærmingar (jf. sst.). Målet med denne artikkelen er å skissera nokre av hovudlinene som norsk ordlaging har utvikla ...
    • Enchaînement, liaison, accentuation chez les apprenants norvégophones 

      Andreassen, Helene N.; Lyche, Chantal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Given that their L1, Norwegian, and their L2, English, are lexical stress languages, Norwegian speakers will equally tend to stress lexical words during the course of acquisition of L3 French, insuring the prosodic autonomy of each word. In the present paper, we show that this strategy slows down the acquisition of two external sandhi phenomena in French, i.e. liaison and final consonant linking. ...
    • Future time reference in Lule Saami, with some remarks on Finnish 

      Ylikoski, Jussi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The paper provides an account of future time reference (FTR) in Lule Saami. While previous accounts of the language claim that the Lule Saami <i>galggat</i> ‘shall; must; intend’ is a future auxiliary, there are two other potential candidates for what might be called a future tense as well. On the basis of actual language use, the potential mood in Lule Saami does not always refer to states of ...
    • Dasago – Giellaprošeakta – Gárten giellaovdáneami davvisámegielat mánáin 

      Eira, Inger Ellen Marja; Bals, Berit Ellen Aina Siri (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-04-26)