Now showing items 1781-1800 of 7379

    • The influence of illicit wildlife trafficking in security matters. The case of illicit trafficking of elephant ivory and rhino horn in Africa. 

      Gonzalez Estrada, Adelina Judith (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      Threatened wildlife is being poached at an alarming rate to feed the global illicit wildlife trafficking (IWT). Poachers and armed non-state actors – including rebel forces such as the Lord's Resistance Army – are targeting elephants and rhinos across Africa in order to meet growing global demand. This thesis places a particular emphasis on the worldwide security implications of the IWT in a time ...
    • Latvia in the Baltic Freedom Way Through Singing Revolutions Towards the Restoration of Independence from the Soviet Russian Empire 

      Briljants, Reinis (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      The aim of this master's thesis research paper has been to reflect on the conceptual and theoretical framework of peace studies and practice research through examining the context behind the late 1980s Baltic states independence movements also known as "The Baltic Freedom Way" and "Singing Revolutions". The chosen and compiled conceptual and theoretical framework representing selected peace studies ...
    • Å sprite, eller ikke sprite? En mikrososiologisk observasjonsstudie av smittevernsrutiner i det offentlige rom. 

      Wiik, Eline Isaksen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-22)
      Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er smittevernshåndtering i mikrososiale situasjoner i det offentlige rom ved en helseinstitusjon. Problemstillingen oppgaven ønsker å besvare er «Hvilke uformelle mikrososiale mekanismer påvirker om individer følger opp smitteverntiltakene ved en helseinstitusjon?» Problemstillingen er konkretisert tre forskningsspørsmål for å finne ut hva som skjer i denne situasjonen, ...
    • En samisk tankemåte, kapital og identitet: En kvalitativ sosiologisk studie av unge samers tanker om utdanning, hjemsted og identitet. 

      Pleym, Johannes Jonassen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan unge samiske personer fra Finnmark orienterer seg i forhold til utdanning og hjemsted. Utdanningssosiologi er et svært populært forskningstema, men samisk som bakgrunnsfaktor er lite brukt innenfor dette emnet. Gjennom denne studien ønsker jeg å belyse noen av de faktorene som ikke har blitt forsket på i like stor grad. Problemstillingen ...
    • Moments of Being, A Real Trauma Truth of Virginia Woolf? 

      Chen, Shuo (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-02)
      Master’s thesis in English Literature ENG-3992
    • The delusion of Wonderland 

      Guttormsen, Tine Kalkenberg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      This thesis seeks to address how Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland can be interpreted as a story about mental illness, where the main character is suffering from Schizophrenia. The story of Alice has been adapted many times since it first was published, even by Carroll himself who wrote three different versions of the Alice story. I will look into how children’s literature has ...
    • The Cult of Americanism: An analysis of BioShock Infinite’s dystopic Columbia as social commentary on American exceptionalism 

      Moe, Marius (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      This master’s thesis analyses BioShock Infinite as a critique of American exceptionalism. As a multi-modal video game, Infinite merges aesthetic design, music, and narrative into an egocentric moral experiences that allows for moral deliberation surrounding the self. This thesis aims to provide textual support that , by perversion of American symbols and myths, BioShock Infinite offers a critique ...
    • The 25-hour Moment: How Pathologic 2 Facilitates Presentness and Constructs Its Ludonarrative 

      Skancke, Kristian Terje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis investigates how interactivity, one of digital games’ most prominent and productive aspects, can be leveraged to produce particular experiences within games. I demonstrate how Pathologic 2 is designed to leverage interactivity in order to immerse the player within its fiction and world, primarily by the player’s own continuous interaction with the game system as represented in the game’s ...
    • The Penalization of Agentic Female Characters in Literature: An Analysis of The Awakening and Looking for Alaska 

      Larssen, Martine Horrigmoe (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-14)
      Adolescents tend to identify with literary characters to a considerable degree, and it is therefore vital to advocate the distinction between healthy and unhealthy characters in the secondary classroom. This thesis aims to investigate the intertwining topics of mental health and gender roles in Kate Chopin’s canonical novel The Awakening (1899) and John Green’s young adult fiction novel Looking for ...
    • Teaching agreement through grammar instruction in the lower secondary school: A comparison between implicit and explicit grammar instruction in L1 Norwegian learners of L2 English 

      Skaug, Eirik (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-14)
      In this master’s thesis, L1 Norwegians in the lower secondary school are tested on their knowledge of L2 English subject-verb agreement. The main aim of the study is to examine why this grammatical phenomenon is challenging, and, additionally, to compare the effects of two instructional methods on grammar acquisition. The instructional methods under investigation are Task Based Language Teaching and ...
    • Exploring Racialization portrayed in Young Adult Fiction 

      Berg, Mathias (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-22)
      This thesis aims to answer how racial stereotypes are challenged in Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give and Nic Stone’s Dear Martin by informing the reader through transformative characters. This is done by analyzing both novels’ portrayals of police brutality leading to an internal conflict concerning race. To investigate the novels, Critical Race Theory and the term intersectionality will be used along ...
    • Challenging normality and breaking boundaries of prejudice 

      Myrland, Camilla (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis seeks to investigate how the protagonists with disabilities in John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars and Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time challenge society’s normative views of taboos and break the boundaries of prejudice and to underline the importance for young adult readers to read such literature. Additionally, I will seek to answer how teachers can utilize ...
    • Mulighetsrom i Joar Nangos praksiser 

      Gressnes, Ragnhild Petrikke (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-20)
      Denne oppgaven har tatt for seg fire av Joar Nangos større prosjekter, laget i perioden fra 2011 til 2022 . "Meahccetrošša/Matutu", (Karasjok, 2010), "Den norske Rom-ambassade", (Oslo, 2012), "Odelsgut og fantefølge" (Kvam, 2017) og "Girjegumpi. Samisk arkitekturbibliotek" (Harstad, Jokkmokk, Bergen, Oslo, 2018–2022). Selv om prosjektene finner sted gjennom ulike geografiske plasseringer og løfter ...
    • Instagrams synlighetsregim och dess politiska implikationer: vägen till ett omvänt panoptikon 

      Sandbacka, Rebecka (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      Instagram är en av de mest populära sociala media plattformarna i dag, och har användare i alla åldrar. Plattformen är uppbyggd på visuellt material som laddas upp av användare, som så ska bedömas av andra. Bedömningen föregår i form av gilla-markeringar och kommentarer. Framgången mäts i synligheten, alltså hur många som bedömer ditt material, samt hur många följare ditt konto har. Men hur får man ...
    • Inn i de mørke alléer 

      Odden, Jan Ove (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      Oversettelse av fortellingen Mítina ljubov av Ivan Bunin fra russisk til norsk.
    • Autentisk muntlig kommunikasjon i russiskundervisningen 

      Gundersen, Marie Steen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-12)
      I denne studien undersøker jeg hvordan tre ulike læremidler, som brukes i russiskundervisningen i norsk skole, formidler og forbereder elever på autentisk muntlig kommunikasjon. Studien tar utgangspunkt i Sosedi 1 (2000), Møde i Petersborg (1999) og Min russiske reise (2021). Jeg har benyttet meg av læremiddelanalyse som metode, og har basert undersøkelsen på to kommunikasjonssituasjoner fra hvert ...
    • Å klatre på russisk. En korpusundersøkelse av russiske verb for å klatre. 

      Johansen, Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-10)
      I denne masteroppgaven tar jeg for meg og sammenligner de russiske verbene for å klatre. Jeg har gjort en korpusundersøkelse, og tatt i bruk både Det russiske nasjonalkorpuset (RNC) og parallellkorpuset RuN, som er utviklet ved Universitetet i Oslo. RuN-korpuset består av en samling oversatte tekster. Russiske bevegelsesverb har enretningsverb og flerretningsverb, eller bestemte og ubestemte ...
    • Hva engasjerer deg på Facebook? 

      Jakobsen, Lars (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-11)
      Sosiale medier trenger inn i hverdagen til en stor del av alle menneskers daglige liv og gjøremål. Facebook har vist seg å være en viktig markedsføringskanal for svært mange bedrifter. Små og mellomstore bedrifter kan med sine små budsjetter kunne skape mye synlighet. Denne mastergradsoppgaven vil med en induktiv tilnærming undersøke markedskommunikasjon på Facebook. Jeg ser nærmere på hvordan små ...
    • Change and Variation in the Trondheim Dialect 

      Størdal, Mikko (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis explores the status and production of four characteristics traditionally observed in the Trondheim dialect as ongoing trends observed in the dialect suggests that the dialect is undergoing a process of levelling with Standard Eastern Norwegian. The characteristics investigated are wh-words, diphthongs, apocope, and palatalisation. The data was collected by use of an experiment, and finally ...
    • Cross-linguistic influence in adult multilingualism The acquisition of L3 Norwegian morphosyntax by L1 Spanish - L2 English speakers 

      Espindola, Augusto (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      The current thesis investigated the topic of cross-linguistic influence (CLI) at three different developmental stages of adult third language (L3) acquisition of Norwegian by sequential first language (L1) Spanish – second language (L2) English speakers (n = 18). Using a mixed methods approach consisting of a grammaticality judgment task and a closed-ended questionnaire on linguistic proximity, ...