Now showing items 821-840 of 7377

    • BRICS and the West: Don’t Believe the Cold War Hype 

      Coning, Cedric Hattingh de (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-08-30)
      When Jim O’Neill coined the BRIC acronym in 2001, the point he was trying to convey was that the global economic system needed to incorporate the world’s largest emerging economies. His advice fell on deaf ears and in 2009, Brazil, China, India, and Russia decided to take matters into their own hands and formed the BRIC grouping. South Africa joined the group in 2010 to form the BRICS. This July, ...
    • Should the Security Council Engage with Implications of Climate Change? Let’s Look at the Scientific Evidence 

      Buhaug, Halvard; Coning, Cedric de; von Uexkull, Nina (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-06-08)
      Climate change is a controversial topic at the United Nations (UN) Security Council. The Council has adopted over 70 resolutions and presidential statements that address aspects of climate-related peace and security implications. However, a few members strongly oppose adding climate change to the Security Council agenda. When a thematic resolution on the security implications of climate change came ...
    • Naturfag utenfor klasserommet fra et Nordnorsk perspektiv 

      Killengreen, Siw Turid; Lundberg, Helene; Jensvoll, Ingrid; Höper, Jan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-30)
      This survey investigated how teachers in the northernmost parts of Norway use outdoor science teaching, and what they consider to be the most important challenges. Most teachers report that they do outdoor science activities a couple of times a year, more often in primary school than secondary school. The topics covered are largely related to biology during autumn and spring. Factors that inhibit ...
    • Should Rawlsian end-state principles be constrained by popular beliefs about justice? 

      Angell, Kim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-19)
      Although many accept the Rawlsian distinction between ‘end-state’ and ‘transitional’ principles, theorists disagree strongly over which feasibility constraint to use when selecting the former. While ‘minimalists’ favor a scientific-laws-only constraint, ‘non-minimalists’ believe that end-state principles should also be constrained by what people could (empirically) accept after reasoned discussion. ...
    • A sociological study of the significance of identity and ageing in a North Sami community 

      Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug; Anderssen, Jorid Sigrun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-30)
      This article explored experiences of ageing from interviews with a sample drawn from a population living in a North Sami community. Our focus is on older adult’s involvement in activities that emphasise and maintain them as participants in specific kinds of activities that require knowledge, skills and mentorship, and to what degree it provides them with social capital and ethnic identity. We present ...
    • Determinants of language change in the Gurage area of Ethiopia 

      Feleke, Tekabe Legesse (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-27)
      This study aims to examine linguistic and non-linguistic determinants that contribute to language change in the Gurage area of Ethiopia. The linguistic and non-linguistic determinants were investigated by combining methods of dialectometry and mutual intelligibility. Principally, the study was interested in the potential influences of three linguistic factors (mutual intelligibility, contact-induced ...
    • Why in my backyard (WIMBY): Forging the link to community futures when energy transition projects are met with indifference 

      Svartdal, Inger Helene; Kristoffersen, Berit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-20)
      This paper analytically works towards foregrounding a new concept which can be useful to describe local reception and perceptions related to energy transition projects: Why in my backyard (WIMBY). We define this concept as local indifference to take part in changes in local energy landscapes at the community level. Based on the reception and data from two pilot and demonstration projects in Arctic ...
    • Enacting citizenship through writing: an analysis of a diary written by a man with Alzheimer’s disease 

      Lotherington, Ann Therese; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-05-10)
      Citizenship and dementia studies have, during the last 15 years, grown into a substantial body of research recognising the experiences and agentic powers of people living with dementia. This article aims to contribute to and extend this research field. We undertake the aim through a feminist posthumanist non-representational analysis of a diary written by a man with Alzheimer's disease to explore ...
    • Up the downstream: Contributing mechanisms to the persistence of health inequalities in Norway 

      Svalestuen, Sigbjørn (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-09-22)
      <p>This dissertation aims to expand on the current empirical knowledge of and theoretical mechanisms in the social determinants of health. Specifically, it investigates the mechanisms by which social root causes generate health outcomes in order to assess within-state health inequalities in high-income countries such as Norway. It emphasizes the effect of material and immaterial resources that result ...
    • Presens partisipp i mellomnorske diplom 

      Mørck, Endre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-26)
      I artikkelen beskrives bruken av presens partisipp i mellomnorsk, og denne bruken sammenliknes med norrøn folkelig og lærd stil. Undersøkelsen bygger på 3208 diplom fra tidsrommet 1350–1524 med i alt 2804 forekomster av presens partisipp. Substantiverte presens partisipp beskrives kortfatta, og den sjeldne adverbiale bruken av slike partisipp registreres, men hovedfokus er på den forholdsvis utbredte ...
    • Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration on Electronic Medicines Management 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll; Dyb, Kari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Medicines are important for well-being. Thus, medication errors can have severe consequences, even death. Transfers between professionals and levels of care are a challenge in terms of medicines management. Norwegian governmental strategies encourage communication and collaboration between levels of care, and several initiatives are invested in to improve digital medicine management. In the project ...
    • Gender variation across the oromo dialects: a corpus-based study* 

      Feleke, Tekabe Legesse; Lohndal, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-18)
      This study aims to (1) demonstrate the position of the Oromo gender system in Corbett's (1991) typology of gender; (2) illustrate major syntactic gender variation across the Oromo dialects; (3) identify factors that contributed to the gender variation, and (4) illustrate the morphosyntax of the Oromo gender system. The data obtained from the Oromo Speech Corpus shows a high degree of lexical and ...
    • Events always take (place with) ser 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Marín, Rafael; Perpiñán, Sílvia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-21)
      The present study aims to throw light on the behavior of the Spanish copulas ser and estar in locative sentences, beyond their classical distinction in terms of Individual-Level (IL) versus Stage-Level (SL) predicates. The behavior of the Spanish copulas in locative contexts constitutes an oddity that we aim to probe here: events (concierto ‘concert’), despite their clear spatial and temporal ...
    • Children’s acquisition of word order variation: A study of subject placement in embedded clauses in Norwegian 

      Ringstad, Tina Louise; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-29)
      Norwegian embedded clauses give children two options for subject placement: preceding or following negation (S-Neg/Neg-S). In the adult language, S-Neg is the ‘default’ and highly frequent option, and Neg-S is infrequent in children’s input. However, Neg-S may be argued to be the structurally less complex. We investigate whether children are aware of the existence of both subject positions, and ...
    • Self-Respect and the Importance of Basic Liberties 

      Stensen, Vegard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-18)
      This article discusses the self-respect argument for basic liberties, which is that self-respect is an important good, best supported by basic liberties, and that this yields a reason for the traditional liberty principle. I concentrate on versions of it that contend that self-respect is best supported by basic liberties for reasons related to the recognition that such liberties convey. I first ...
    • Vestiges of a Previous Industrial Age: A Contemporary Archaeology of Twentieth Century Single Industrial Mining Regions in the Far North 

      Venovcevs, Anatolijs (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-09-15)
      <p>This thesis aims to develop archaeological understandings of mining communities and sites in three (sub-)Arctic regions in Norway (Sør-Varanger), Canada (western Labrador), and Russia (Kola Peninsula), all of which underwent rapid industrial colonisation during the twentieth century. Today the regions continue as resource peripheries despite economic, social, and political changes that made the ...
    • Identifiserte storylines i nyutdannede læreres erfaringer med tilpasset opplæring i matematikk 

      Mikko, Lisa Broks (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Denne studien har hatt som formål å beskrive ulike myter og strukturer som legger føringer for hvordan matematikkopplæringen planlegges med hensyn til tilpasset opplæring og like muligheter for alle elever. Ved å benytte posisjoneringsteori har jeg utforsket hvilke storylines som kunne identifiseres i nyutdannedes opplevelser knyttet til deres arbeid med tilpasset opplæring. Videre hvordan disse ...
    • Utforskende undervisning i matematikk. En kvalitativ studie med nyutdannede og erfarne ungdomsskolelærere i Finnmark 

      Larsen, Johanne; Bremnes, Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-11)
      Med innføring av fagfornyelsen i 2020 ved introduksjon til læreplan LK20, har lærere i landet måttet tilpasset undervisningen til de nye kompetansemålene læreplanen introduserte. Videre har læreplan introdusert kjerneelementer til hvert enkelt fag – det mest betydningsfulle innholdet som eleven skal lære for å kunne mestre å anvende faget. I matematikkfaget innebærer disse kjerneelementene ...
    • Dysleksitilpasset tilrettelegging i skolen 

      Nordheim, Linn Eirin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Bakgrunnen for undersøkelsen i denne masteroppgaven var å få innsikt i elevers og læreres erfaringer med en dysleksitilpasset lese- og skriveopplæring. Det ble gjennomført kvalitativt intervju med et utvalg elever (med dysleksi) og lærere på to ulike dysleksivennlige skoler. Resultatene viser at skolene brukte evidensbaserte intervensjoner som helhetslesing og lesekurs, og dette ble av både elever ...
    • What does it mean to have an equal say? 

      Kapelner, Zsolt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-17)
      Democracy is the form of government in which citizens have an equal say in political decision-making. But what does this mean precisely? Having an equal say is often defined either in terms of equal power to influence political decision-making or in terms of appropriate consideration, i.e., as a matter of attributing appropriate deliberative weight to citizens’ judgement in political decision-making. ...